of $2,500 Raised
0 Days
Mystic/Groton, Connecticut

Climb Out of the Darkness® (COTD) is the world’s largest event raising awareness of maternal mental illnesses like postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety & OCD, postpartum PTSD, postpartum psychosis, bipolar/peripartum onset, and pregnancy depression and anxiety.

Climb Out of the Darkness® is held annually on or near the longest day of the year to help shine the most light on perinatal and postnatal mood and anxiety disorders. The event features mothers and others across the globe joining together to climb mountains and hike trails to represent their symbolic rise out of the darkness of maternal mental illness and into the light of hope and recovery.  

We can’t wait for Climb Out of the Darkness 2018, to be held on June 23rd. Mark your calendars! Help us shine the light of hope with our words and our advocacy efforts so that our fellow mothers will receive better information and better treatment, and their new families will get off to the healthy and strong start they deserve.

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